Your Mark On The World

Jamie Cheek & I Discuss Healthcare



#plugintodevin Show - Devin Thorpe for Congress Guest: Jamie Cheek Office Sought: Utah's 1st Congressional District Issue: Healthcare. Everyday I see people who can't afford or access healthcare. Growing up my family was on Medicaid. Growing up in a small town, my mother hated using it because "everybody knew everybody." I honestly believe this is why she delayed getting healthcare for herself when she was sick. By the time she went to the doctor, at the age of 35, she was diagnosed with Metastatic Colon Cancer and died within a month of being diagnosed. I was only 16 when she passed, and my brother was 15 and our younger sister was only 3, the same age as my daughter now. My take is that as your Congresswoman, I would fight for affordable and accessible healthcare. We hear too many stories of people delaying going to the doctor for treatable and preventable illnesses because they don't have healthcare. There have been so many stories of people dying from COVID-19 having their last concerns being the financi