Kettlebrook West Bend

Helping Others Follow Jesus



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What would you say is your most precious earthly possession? Who would you entrust this with and why? Who wouldn’t you entrust this with and why? 2. Do you have a “heritage” of faith (i.e. who shared the gospel with you, and with them, etc.)? If so, who are they and how many generations of people can you trace it back through? 3. Read 2 Timothy 2:1-2. What do you think are “these things” that Paul speaks of? Is it possible that “these things” have also been entrusted to you? If so, what are the implications? 4. Read Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:45-49; John 20:21-23 and Acts 1:8. What theme(s) do you find in these texts? How do these texts speak into the idea of our gospel purpose? 5. What barriers get in the way of you seeking to live out these texts? What steps might you take to engage in our gospel purpose? 6. Below list at least one person that you might be able to help follow Jesus. Be in prayer for them. What other steps might you take