Unfunny Nerd Tangent

UNT 96: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World



We're cashing in a 1-Up for the 10th anniversary of an over-the-top nerd classic that should have collected way more coins: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World! We are Unfunny Nerd Tangent! 1-2-3-4! We'll take you for a ride / on Tim's favorite film / Oh no, We're up in Toronto / 'cause it's Scott Pilgrim, By Edgar Wright / the guy who did Hot Fuzz, You know you want to fight / Every EVIL EX, EX! EX! EX! The cast is killer though / like Michael Cera and Ellen Wong from Glow, Oh-oh-oh-oh, It's got some shitty bands / a whole bunch of video games / and Chris Evans / before he was Cap, Jared thinks it's crap / and he can f--k off / and maybe read the books, Mary Elizabeth Winstead / She's in a bunch of stuff / Why isn't she a star, star? And then we ramble away / like every other day / so buy a shirt and push play ... Hosted by: 'The Talent' Tim Agne (@timagne) Featuring: ‘Cute Drummer’ Greig Tansley (@GreigT13) & 'Young Neil' Jared Robinovitz (@SuperJew75) Music by: Sex Bob-Omb.