Dear 26 Year Old Me

S3 E2 Dr Robi Interview



In this episode we hear from special guest and Aussie, Dr Robi, who has trained the likes of Prince Charles and Prince Harry to snowboard, and captivated audiences across the world with his messages about science, scripture, mental and emotional health, and trauma rehabilitation, to name a few.  Tens of thousands of people have heard Dr Robi speak on these topics, gaining insight and wisdom to equip and empower them.   In this interview, the husband and father-of-five shares his expertise on the impacts of trauma and gives practical tools for how not just to cope, but how to USE these experiences to grow.  Dr Robi talks about a study which reveals five characteristics of people who have experienced trauma and/or tragedy, and yet have been able to grow through their circumstances.  He also offers a number of TOP TIPS for listeners, such as learning to let go rather than “nursing, cursing and rehearsing” moments from their past, helping them to build resilience, and encouraging them to cultivate gratefulne