Debtwire Radio

Muni Lowdown: Banal bankruptcy



Debtwire Municipals' Kathie O’Donnell discusses market sources that have said Florida Development Finance Corporation bonds issued for the Brightline rail line as well as bonds related to the American Dream entertainment and retail project in New Jersey, have traded at surprisingly resilient levels despite the coronavirus pandemic. Debtwire's Head of Municipal Research Greg Clark and Caitlin Devitt talk how if Congress carves a legal path to permitting sovereign states to seek bankruptcy protection based on comments from US Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the political path would be blocked by fights over federal control and pension cuts, according to four municipal restructuring attorneys. Yong Lim, the Debtwire Municipals desk editor, is the moderator of the podcast. The Muni Lowdown is a weekly podcast recapping the previous week's significant news developments in the municipal bond market. For comments or questions contact