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Candidate Daisy Thomas Says Coronavirus Highlights Need For Improved Health Care — #plugintodevin



Guest: Daisy Thomas Office Sought: Utah State House District 46 Issue: Health care We all need healthcare. Every human being deserves to live a life of dignity and in the US that means life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I don't believe people should suffer and die in poverty because they lack the financial capacity to pay for required medical services. Healthcare is an investment into a functioning society, as we are seeing with this worldwide pandemic. Bio: Daisy Thomas served as the Utah Democratic State Party Chair 2017-2019, presiding over more growth in the Democratic Party than Utah has seen since the 1990s—retaining all incumbents, while adding three State House seats, one State Senate seat, and a seat in the US Congress -- all turned blue during Daisy’s tenure. Website: Twitter: @daisygthomas Facebook: Linkedin: Instagram: @daisyforutah Photo credit: Karen Sewell, Avenue Twelve P