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House Candidate Gay Lynn Bennion Advocates For Better Education Funding - #plugintodevin



#plugintodevin Show Guest: Gay Lynn Bennion Office Sought: Utah House of Representatives, District 46 Issue: Education, historically underfunded, now challenged by COVID-19 and social distancing policies. All of our family members have attended public schools. I currently serve as Director of Education Committee with Women's State Legislative Council and have been following bills, attending hearings. Our 3-year old granddaughter is already excited to go to school. I want to work for the best education possible for her and all of our children. Being involved with the refugee/immigrant community for the past 5 years, I know they bring new energy and drive to our society, but they also need dedicated support from schools to thrive in a new culture and sometimes language. Our democracy's foundation is educated citizens who have critical thinking skills, especially given the challenge of "fake news" and inundation of information with the internet. Funding has increased this year, but we still have many improvem