Your Mark On The World

Teen Political Activist Isaac Nuttall and I Discuss Voter Participation, and Other Issues



#plugintodevin Show - Devin Thorpe for Congress Guest: Isaac Nuttall. Issue: Making government more of, for, and by the people (i.e Campaign Finance Reform, Improving Voter Participation, etc.) I see many people at my school (Timpanogos), and community abroad, who are affected heavily by voter apathy, seeing no feasible way to improve politics at all level. This has led to depressingly low voter turnout levels for young people in my community, leading to one party holding a monopoly on state and local politics. I know that if young people, my friends, classmates, and neighbors were to engage in the political process, state and local politics would be far more reflective of their, as well as my, pressing issues. This issue of making government more of for and by the people, particularly among traditionally silent voting groups, is paramount above all other issues. I believe that we need extensive campaign finance reform to make our leaders more beholden to their constituents and less to wealthy donors. A sol