Wilde About Wellbeing

Every COVID Cloud: FIVE silver linings in the Coronavirus nightmare



I'm always inclined to focus on my ANXIETY right now - COVID-19 spreading across the world is a frightening time for all of us. It can feel almost apocalyptic. Especially if you're a 24/7 news consumer and researcher like I am! But today's episode is about a different PERSPECTIVE. I'm NOT saying we shouldn't be realistic about this virus - it is not a hoax, it's not something that only affects older people, and it's not a time to be a rebel and mess with the rules the government has in place for us (stay the HELL at home!). And yet, I want you to focus, just for this short episode on the ALTERNATIVE, the more positive perspective that coronavirus is offering, worldwide.  I look at the value of FAMILY TIME during quarantine... How we're able to exercise on our own schedule, with amazing instructors from all of the world... And other benefits, in my top five silver linings to the Corona crisis we're enduring right now. I am always here for YOU, feel free to get in touch, whenever you like. The anxiety is heavy