The Indy Mogul Podcast

Ep. 44 : Today's Modern Filmmaker with Mike Pecci



Filmmaking can be such a bizarre career to pursue; schedules are crazy, your income fluctuates constantly, friends can change, and sometimes you fall on your head and make a feature. That's Mike Pecci's story, a feature filmmaker in the indie world. From Boston to New York, then back to Boston and now LA, Mike Pecci talks us through his journey as a filmmaker and gives his advice to young artists today. The film industry always changes, so the best way to find success is to stay up to date with what's happening, so you can become the best artist you strive to be. Whether you're in LA, Boston, or some random town, you can make your story happen.   In this episode, we talk about the best tips young filmmakers can do around the world to get their careers going, and we go through Mike's journey into the bizz.