Mj Podcast

Exploring Labels within the Queer Community with Queer Network creators Eddie and Justin



Eddie and Justin talk about Queer Labels. The Queer Network sees Queer as umbrella term used to include everyone within the LGBTQ community as well as honouring it's original definition of people who are different, strange, and even weird. Queer is for everyone. It is openness, unconditional love, freedom, acceptance, pride in who you are, standing up for equality, and belief that love is love is love is love. The queer community thrives because of it’s diversity, and because of this we thought it could be helpful to talk about some of the old and new labels we are using in the 21st century to accurately express ourselves. It’s a list that continues to evolve because we are constantly working towards using language that people agree upon, enjoy using, and that they feel represents them. This video is our first attempt at uncovering and understanding the diversity of the labels used within the queer community. For a comprehensive list of labels, visit the website below: http://itspronouncedmetrosex