The Slow Home Podcast With Brooke Mcalary

Life in the time of coronavirus



Season 5 has thus far been a pandemic-free zone (mostly because all episodes previous to this one were recorded before the world turned topsy-turvy) but that changes today.  After having a couple of weeks to process some of the changes in their own lives and the world at large, Brooke and Ben chat about where they're at right now and the huge shift in pace that's happened. Ben shares the impact the crisis has had on his business and Brooke talks a little about trying to work around home-school responsibilities, heightened anxiety and a new normal.  Slow living has given Brooke and Ben a lot of tools over the years, many of which have been helpful in the first weeks of the pandemic and lockdown, and in the first half of this episode they share what they are and how they're helping. They also discuss: The impact the crisis has had on Ben's business Working from home while also trying to keep on top of home-schooling responsibilities  What's helping them the most right now Why limiting inputs of news and socia