Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Get the Most Out of Your Mastermind w/Chris Arnold



The best way to achieve holistic success is by joining the right Mastermind group. Who should we include in our Masterminds, and what is the optimal size for a productive group? Should we be looking to join groups that focus on one area of life, or that help us improve all aspects? On this episode, co-founder of The Multipliers Mastermind, Chris Arnold shares how to get the most out of our mentoring groups.    Takeaways + Tactics  We can’t run the race to success alone, so to get the most out of our Masterminds, we have to be surrounded by quality people. Having the right people around us makes all the difference.   Stay small. A lot of people gravitate towards big Masterminds because we think that’s where we’ll get the best results - but in reality, we should keep our groups small and more focused.   Focus on more than just business. The best Masterminds allow us to improve every aspect of our lives, from finances to faith and family.   Guest Bio-  Chris Arnold is one of the founders of The Multipliers Mast