Real Wealth Real Health

Personal Insights - The Truth About Mistakes



This is a combo of personal insights and a reading of my post, 'The Truth About Mistakes'. This is about mistakes: how we perceive them, how that perception can affect our sense of self-worth and confidence, and how a shift in perspective can go a long way in digging ourselves out from under the ego’s shame-pile. I talk about the way I held myself in shame of making mistakes related to everything about the first marriage. And I explore the ways I shifted out of that detrimental and destructive conditioning or thought-pattern.  I also touch on the way that shame and silence are used together for very unconscious and dark reasons, as more Vatican scandals and human trafficking rings are being discovered and, hopefully, brought to justice. How we look at our own dark places - our own unconsciousness, and bring that to light with compassion, and without judgment, helps us to stand tall in the 'Who I Am'.  And today, more than ever, we must align to our heart's truth, stand in our truth, speak our truth