Real Wealth Real Health

Personal Insights - Getting On The Path



Another episode with personal insights as well as a reading of the blog post, 'Getting On The Path'. It's been an intense few weeks for many, and I've been experiencing and integrating physical discomfort from illness, as well as emotional discomfort when another wave of the viral video came, and this time I personally received very hateful and even violent comments and messages.  However, I understood the larger spiritual nature and purpose of this period, what I am being called to look at and to face, and the choice and decision I'm making to not back down. I cannot, no matter how unpleasant or hurtful the comments, let the darkness get the better of me. Instead, I am redoubling my efforts of standing in my truth and living in my truth. I'm fortunate to have a network of both friends and family, and especially Andrew, whom I can turn to for support when certain moments threaten to drag me under. This experience of the last few weeks with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, culminating around the Full Moon la