It's About The Journey With Jennifer Conrad

S1. Ep 7 Looking Inward to See Outward



Like many these days, I have traveled and relocated quite frequently, and fortunately for me it’s one of my favorite things to do.  At first, I relocated between houses, then cities,  and then eventually different states. I’ve seen beautiful places and met the most wonderful people but by far the best direction I ever moved in is inward. To go inward inside of ourselves, is truly the best place to go if you want to move forward in life. I have discovered no matter where I go in this world, I am exactly in the same place.  This is not your physical location, it’s the place in your life where you’re experiencing your internal environment from which is the inside of yourself. The only place you, me, and everyone else can ever be, is inside. This is so important. Because whatever we feel or think from the inside determines our experience on anything in our external environment.. Our day-to-day. Our relationships. Our work. Our well-being. Everything. Without exception. And yet, whatever inside expe