It's About The Journey With Jennifer Conrad

S1. EP8: YOU are Enough — The Three Most Powerful Words



You are enough. Hear it, and then hear it again. You are enough. Let it really sink in. We often hear this phrase, but we often forget the depth of the meaning behind it. We live in a world where we continuously feel that we don’t belong and don’t live up to certain expectations of others around us.  The highest expectations are often not the ones that other people set for us, but it’s the high standards we set for ourselves. When we fail to meet these unrealistic expectations, we beat ourselves up, feel a sense of unworthiness, and think we are never going to be enough. Being enough is a mindset, not an acquisition.  Our conditioning plays a major part in this. You know all the stuff  you’ve been picking ever since childhood; the things people have said to you, and the way you have been treated by others. What you think and believe about yourself really matters.  Those unconscious thoughts play  in the background of our minds, can either be negative beliefs or empowering ones.