Beckett's Babies

52. PLAY: Ching Chong Chinaman by Lauren Yee



As part of our new monthly series, we pick a play to discuss and this month’s play is “Ching Chong Chinaman" by Lauren Yee! In this episode, we discuss what we noticed, what we liked, and questions that came up while reading the play. Note: There are some spoiler alerts! We highly recommend you read the play before listening to this episode! SHORT SUMMARY: The ultra-assimilated Wong family is as Chinese-American as apple pie: teenager Upton dreams of World of Warcraft superstardom; his sister Desi dreams of early admission to Princeton. Unfortunately, Upton’s chores and homework get in the way of his 24/7 videogaming, and Desi’s math grades don’t fit the Asian-American stereotype. Then Upton comes up with a novel solution for both problems: he acquires a Chinese indentured servant, who harbors an American dream of his own. GLISTENS: Sarah's Glisten: Plant Therapy Project Sam's Glisten: Fristad NEXT MONTH'S PLAY: Cost of Living by Martyna Majok _____________________________________________ Please suppor