Hamilton Perkins Collection

E57: Innovation Advocate at Zel Technologies Aazia Mickens-Dessaso Interview



At my highest value, I deliver inventive solutions that invigorate conventional business models. My passion for uncovering and executing on innovative ideas has taken me from co-founding an award-winning mobile messaging company to leading innovation programs for a high-end technology solutions provider. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaziam/ https://www.instagram.com/aaz_ia/?hl=en I am a trained user experience design researcher and strategist, innovation manager, and workshop facilitator helping teams identify market-ready solutions and repeatable, scalable business models. My work focuses on designing disciplined, evidence-based business experiments that move an insight from an idea to a validated business model. Across the startup and corporate ecosystems, I have a proven ability to manage change and deliver rapid learning outcomes. I approach my work with the confidence and learning reflexes of a curious, creative leader to identify insights that will drive progress toward key milestones. Hamilton Perkins