Aquinas College Podcast

Homily for the Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas | Fr. Thomas Petri, OP



Fr. Thomas Petri, OP preaches the homily for the Mass of St. Thomas Aquinas at Aquinas College, Nashville, January 28, 2020. Fr. Petri reflects on the personal devotion of St. Thomas Aquinas, the role of the prayers of the saints for us, and the widespread devotion to St. Thomas Aquinas as patron of students, teachers, and among other things, booksellers and pencil makers. Fr. Petri entered the Order of Preachers in 2004 and was ordained a priest in 2009. He holds a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from The Catholic University of America and has been a professor of Moral Theology and the Dean of the Pontifical Faculty at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. since 2013. Prior to his appointment in Washington, he was a professor of theology at Providence College in Rhode Island. He has published articles in Nova et Vetera and in The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. He is also a frequent contributor to The Catholic News Agency and The National Catholic Register. His book, Aquinas and the Theolog