Fitness Simplified With Kim Schlag

The Comparison Trap: Decades of Strength Episode 14



We’ve all done it. We look at a sliver of someone else’s life; a teeny moment in the grand scheme of the whole and we measure the totality of our existence against it. “She’s so put together. Why can’t I be like that?” “She’s so confident. Why do I always doubt myself?” “If only I had her abs/butt, arms/hair... When in reality: she may be a hot mess in some areas of her life or have anxiety about constantly trying to be “perfect.” She might doubt herself in private & be fearful of being “found out.” She might not like her butt/arms/hair. Or she might have a terrible quality of life trying to keep those abs. In any case- it has no bearing on you and your life. Listen in as Sam, Nichole and I discuss strategies for staying in your own lane, minimizing the sources of comparison in your life that do not serve you and remembering that your worth does not depend on your body.