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EP33: Most Anticipated Games of 2016



2015 was a banner year for video games, but this year is shaping up to be even better. In this episode, we count down our most anticipated games of 2016!00:53 - Overwatch02:32 - XCOM 203:47 - Gran Turismo Sport05:47 - Final Fantasy VII Remake09:54 - Indivisble11:59 - Dishonored 213:37 - Doom15:53 - Cuphead17:20 - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End20:43 - The Witness23:12 - Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam24:26 - Star Ocean: Integrity & Faithlessness27:09 - No Man's Sky29:13 - Dark Souls III31:19 - Fire Emblem Fates32:25 - Yooka-Laylee34:32 - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided35:51 - The Last Guardian37:52 - Zelda Wii U39:51 - Mass Effect: Andromeda41:25 - Quantum Break43:33 - Horizon: Zero Dawn44:11 - Persona 544:56 - Mirror's Edge Catalyst45:56 - For Honor46:51 - Gears of War 447:53 - Street Fighter V48:21 - Rez: Infinite49:06 - Gr