Walking Dead: Talking About Walkers

Talking about Walkers: Episode 122 Morning Star & Walk With Us



Jen & Kinte Review Episode 121 Morning Star & Walk With Us Description: Morning Star: The Whisperers are coming for Hilltop. After Daryl and Lydia's encounter with Alpha, the communities must decide whether to run or fight. Meanwhile, Eugene's communication with Stephanie gets complicated.Walk With Us: Michonne takes Virgil back to his island to find his family. In exchange, Virgil offers weapons.• Air date: March 1, 2020• Previous episode: Squeeze• Next episode: Morning Star• Podcast air date: 3/18/20Hosts• J Francis twitter.com/FollowingBliss1 www.instagram.com/followingbliss1 studiowhitewolf.com/• Kinte Fergerson twitter.com/KinteF www.instagram.com/kintefergerson indyradio.org/www.instagram.com/indyradio/The tenth season of The Walking Dead, an American post-apocalyptic horror television series on AMC premiered on October 6, 2019. The second half of the season premiered on February 23, 2020.[1] Developed for television by Frank Darabont, the series is based on the eponymous series of comic books b