Walking Dead: Talking About Walkers

Talking about Walkers: Episode 123 What We Become



Jen & Kinte Review Episode 123 What We BecomeDescription:Michonne takes Virgil back to his mysterious island to reunite with his family; in exchange, Virgil promises weapons that could change the tide of the Whisperer War.Walk With Us: Michonne takes Virgil back to his island to find his family. In exchange, Virgil offers weapons.• Air date: March 22, 2020• Previous episode: Walk With Us• Next episode: Look at the Flowers• Podcast air date: 3/24/20Hosts• J Francis twitter.com/FollowingBliss1 www.instagram.com/followingbliss1 studiowhitewolf.com/• Kinte Fergerson twitter.com/KinteF www.instagram.com/kintefergerson indyradio.org/www.instagram.com/indyradio/The tenth season of The Walking Dead, an American post-apocalyptic horror television series on AMC premiered on October 6, 2019. The second half of the season premiered on February 23, 2020.[1] Developed for television by Frank Darabont, the series is based on the eponymous series of comic books by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. The execu