Awakening With Rabbi Ami Silver

Paradigm Shift (pt.3) : Speaking to the Universe



Episode 016 “... and this world itself and all of its matters, is also a rung and quality of Divine light…”   “... the spiritual work must not be to merely save the soul and neglect the body, but rather to sanctify the body as well until it too becomes soul; and the light of holiness that a person experiences, they must not hide from their body...”   In this third part of this series, Rabbi Ami keeps us learning about the revolutionary and evolutionary teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his students, through the lens of the Piaseczner Rebbe’s Mevo Ha-Shearim. Here the Piaseczner speaks deeply to the Divine reality that penetrates all of earthly reality, and all human life. The class ends with the Rebbe’s own account of turning away from the crowds of people he was teaching to speak to the Universe, to communicate with the natural world, that knows the Divine reality that courses through it in the full and intimate way that the Rebbe is trying to share.    Sources: Mevo Ha-Shearim ch.3 and