Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

April 13, 1742



Episode 9: On April 14, 2019, The Sun Run encompassed the Vancouver weekend scene. It is a wonderful event. Participants, both runners and walkers, embarked on a scenic course that runs through Stanley Park, the downtown corridors of Burrard and Georgia before heading over Cambie Street Bridge to the finish line. It was a celebration and testament to months of physical preparation and long hours of planning. Live music filled the streets and added to the high spirits.  What passed by unnoticed in all of excitement of the Sun Run, was an anniversary of another well-known event that happened on April 13, 1742 at the Fishamble Street Musick Hall in Dublin. That night, the world was given a gift of music that continues to captivate audiences to this day. Oh, to be in that first audience of 700. It was a packed crowd. Men left their swords at home and women agreed to wear dresses without hoops to make room for other concert goers.