Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

A Ghost Story



Episode 14: A Ghost Story. Do you believe in Ghosts?  Even the most ardent doubter listens spellbound to  a great ghost story.  We shudder in fear and then try to laugh off the nagging fear that maybe there is something to the spooky narrative. For those who have seen a ghost - well, ghosts are real to them for they have experienced the explainable. They have apparently joined the chosen few who have encountered an invisible world that at times, seems to intersect our reality.   Scientists generally agree that ghosts do not exist and yet they cannot disprove their existence. So, the ghost hunters continue their explorations.  It seems that deep in our DNA we have links to our ancient past and pre-literate cultures, who believed that ghosts do walk abroad.  Closer to home, think of Marley’s ghost  and the opening lines in “A Christmas Carol.” “Marley was dead to begin with.  There is no doubt whatever about that.  The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker and the chief m