Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

The Power of Listening



Episode 22: The Power of Listening  Welcome to Tea, Toast and Trivia! Thank you for listening in on Episode 22 of the Tea Toast & Trivia podcast conversation. I am joined by my sister, Sarah, and my mother, Frances, as we discuss the power of listening. How do we engage our sense of hearing to influence communities, both local and global? So put the kettle on and join in the conversation. I am your host Rebecca Budd and I’m looking forward to sharing this moment with you.   Thank you to all those who have joined the podcast conversation and blog, Tea Toast & Trivia! When I first started to blog, and now podcast, I thought it was all about writing and commenting. Over the months, I have come understand that it is more about listening to the voices in the community.  Listening is dynamic, not static.  It is a powerful activity that can influence outcomes and institute radical change. Speaking and writing can only take us part of the way.  Listening is the dimension where next st