Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

Should We Complain?



Episode 28: Should We Complain? Welcome to Tea, Toast and Trivia. Thank you for listening in. I am joined by my mother, Frances, and my sister, Sarah, to discuss the question – Should we complain? According to many sources – and you know that there are many sources found in a google search –  complaining is detrimental. One article noted that research clearly indicates that listening to complaints of any kind, including venting our personal grievances, will produce a downward trend in our emotional outlook.  Another article warned that complaining could alter our brain.  YIKES!    Why then, do we indulge in complaining? Should we put on our “happy face” and ignore problems, avoid them, dismiss them?    Put the kettle on and join in the conversation.  We would love to hear your thoughts on TeaToastTrivia.com I am your host Rebecca Budd and I’m looking forward to sharing this moment with you. Thank you for joining Frances, Sarah and me on Tea Toast & Trivia.