Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

Living our Creativity



Episode 30:  Living our Creativity Welcome to Tea, Toast and Trivia. Thank you for listening in. I am joined by my brother, Brian,  to discuss integrating creativity within our busy routines that compete for our time and energy. Do we celebrate or minimize the creativity within ourselves?  Brian has a marvelous understanding of the creative process and welcomes you to share your experience with us on TeaToastTrivia.com Put the kettle on and join in the conversation. I am your host Rebecca Budd and I’m looking forward to sharing this moment with you. Thank you for joining Brian and me on Tea Toast & Trivia. Creativity, at its foundation, is all about connecting. When we value our creative efforts, we accept an adventure that transcends time and location. We are all creators with a capacity to share our personal stories within the greater journey. One last thought comes from Henri Matisse: Creativity takes courage. ” May we embrace this call to action and celebrate our creative endeavours. So