Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

Stephanie, on Bold Moves & Portion Control



Episode 33:  Stephanie on Bold Moves & Portion Control Welcome to Tea, Toast and Trivia. Thank you for listening in on Thanksgiving Day in Canada. Family and friends across the country gathered today to celebrate gratitude and share a festive meal, laughter and great conversations.  At times like this, there is a temptation to eat more than usual and then worry that we have overindulged. What better time than now to check in my wellness and workout coach, Stephanie for a conversation on portion control. Stephanie has a refreshing way of looking at meal planning. She says food is awesome – that we should enjoy eating without any guilty sensation.   Food sustains us. Being bold in our relationship with food, will move the mountain of regret and guilt. So put the kettle on join our discussion on portion control.  Stephanie and I would love to hear your thoughts on TeaToastTrivia.com. I am your host Rebecca Budd and I’m looking forward to sharing this moment with you. Thank you for jo