Tea. Toast. & Trivia.

Connecting Finland and Canada via Russian Literature



Episode 37: Welcome to Tea, Toast and Trivia. Thank you for listening in. Russian literature has captured my heart ever since I read the opening paragraphs of Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. A funeral and a mother’s grave – profound, moving, unforgettable.  I was 15 years old. Boris Pasternak may have opened the door to Russian literature. Complex, dramatic, haunting – the roots of Russian literature can be traced back to the Middle Ages.  But it was my dear blogger friend, Elisabeth van der Meer  from the blog A Russian Affair who has been my unfailing guide in the exploration of Russian literature. Elizabeth has joined me in a huge leap into the podcasting unknown, from the far distance of 7,514 km or 4,669 miles. We are connecting Finland and Canada via Russian Literature. So, put the kettle on and join in the conversation.  We would love to hear your thoughts on TeaToastTrivia.com. I am your host Rebecca Budd and I’m looking forward to sharing this moment with you. Thank you for joi