Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

The Art of Powerful Introductions



  This week we’re doing a deep dive into “The Art of Powerful Introductions.”  Seriously… you’ve worked hard at growing your network of awesome people… but one of the fastest ways to hurt that network is to violate trust and to T-up an unsolicited introduction.  It’s like we talk about in the episode, an unsolicited introduction is like giving someone a gift of a surprise puppy. LOL. That’s right… who doesn’t love a puppy? BUT… if you give it to someone who isn’t expecting it… a cute lil’ puppy can be a problem… right?  If we hand a busy person an unsolicited and/or poorly set up introduction… we can create problems and hurt our relationship with them. So in this episode, we talk through the 4 C’s of Permission-Based Introductions. These “C’s” will help you to set up introductions that lead to more success for everyone involved!  AND… they help to build trust and connection with your network too! So listen in to learn the 4 C’s and stop giving surprise puppies!!!     Listen To The Podcast: