Vegan Tourguide

VTG_029 Dr. Pam Popper Gives Straight Talk About Plantbased - Vegan & Health



We welcome Dr. Pam Popper onto this edition of the Plant-Based TourGuide Podcast.  Dr. Pam has been involved for twenty (20) years now spreading knowledge and information about our health and how to maximize our health and the pitfalls that await us if we don't follow a proper diet and educate ourselves.   Dr. Pam's Wellness Forum (Click Here) is FULL of information, including online courses you can take on a wide variety of topics.  Dr. Pam answers commonly asked questions such as "Is there a certain food I should take for heart health, cognitive function, etc?" Dr. Pam tells us the story about transitioning her life from "Unintentional Living" to "Living with Intention" a MUST topic for all of us.  You can find links to all of Dr. Pam's websites and videos and books and social media at Pam's Blog On