Vegan Tourguide

VTG_037 Chef James Corwell



Chef James "Jimmy" Corwell, Visionary Master Chef and Founder of Ocean Hugger Foods joins us on this edition of the Plant-Based TourGuide Podcast.  He discusses his "Aha" Moment that occurred during a visit to the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo led him to starting Ocean Hugger Foods and the first product launched: Ahimi which is a Tuna Sushi replacement using:  Tomatoes....YES, Tomatoes!  Listen to his incredible story and the passion he has for being instrumental in change.  As he states during our podcast: "Chefs need to be leaders in the industry of creating plantbased products to save the environment". Chef Corwell is one of only a handful of Certified Master Chefs and a former instructor at the Culinary School of America and is leading the way for plantbased products replacing animal products. Visit Ocean Hugger Foods at Click Here Follow Ocean Hugger Foods on Facebook at Click Here Order the Ahimi Poke Bowl from at Click Here