Your Daily Psalm

Psalm 100



With "Your Daily Psalm" I'm Chris Laning from Believe it or not, we have reached Psalm 100 here on "Your Daily Psalm". Now up until now I've been reading all the Psalms from The NET Bible at I love that translation because with its Modern English language, it really makes it more accessible to you and allows you to better understand the Psalms. However, there are some Psalms that just need to be read in the original King James Version. They're Psalms that you know. Psalms you love. And Psalms that just don't sound right unless its in the King James version. And Psalm 100 is one of those. This has always been a favorite Psalm of mine. I remember since growing up. I loved it every time it was read and every time we recited it in Sunday school class. I can still see the Sunday school teacher and still hear her saying those very words as she recited it for us to follow along. So in honor of Psalm 100 on "Your Daily Psalm", I will be reading today from the King James Version.