Pricing Is Positioning

059: What's Working Right Now In Social Media With Lauren Davis



It seems that there's a love/hate relationship with Social Media these days or if you're like me, you just struggle with it and how to best use it for business and relationships. So this week I have Lauren Davis from Lauren V Davis Creative and The Business Event Playbook Podcast. Join Lauren and me for a discussion on what's working right now in Social Media! Lauren Davis lives near Chicago, Illinois and works with people over the world to overcome their personal branding discontent and grow their presence so that they can focus on sales, exposure, leadership and community impact through her marketing consultancy Lauren Davis Creative and her podcast, the Business Event Playbook. In publications since 2010... Lauren V Davis has been named as one of the "20 People You Should Know," a "Person to Watch," and a "Face of Tourism," in the midwest, as well as being recognized as an "Up-Next Future Leader." Lauren has received US Senate recognition for her passionate dedication to helping businesses succeed. Lauren'