Edward T Martin Show Featuring Hilary Kemp

It Was The Best of Times, But Mostly The Worst of Times | ETM-Hilary Kemp 83



Hilary takes over as host for the first time and asks Edward T about his childhood.  ETM talks about what he calls "The Incident", the thing he feels ruined both his childhood and in his view, the rest of his adult life.*PLEASE NOTE*: This show contains some of the most disturbing information the two have discussed on this program. Please be sure you are aware of your surroundings.  This episode is not safe for work (NSFW) nor is safe for children to hear.Hilary takes over as host for the first time, because she wants to ask some question of Edward T.  Specifically, she wants to know where this guy came from.  We already know he's from Detroit, but what about his childhood? What was it like? ETM and Hilary then discuss childhood in general, and it turns out they can agree on one thing: the both think childhood sucks.  Hilary for reasons you will find out, and Edward T for what he calls "The Incident", something that ruined his childhood, and from his point of view, destroyed any chanc