Awakening With Rabbi Ami Silver

BONUS: Shavuot - “So That I May Enjoy You” - Tapping Into Divine Pleasure



"In truth, all pleasure and enjoyment in the world, of any kind, are nothing other than God's own joy and pleasure." — The Piaseczner Rebbe In this teaching for Shavuot, the Piaseczner Rebbe invites us to join God in experiencing pleasure and joy. The Rebbe outlines the contours of pleasure - those experiences that distance us from God, and those that bring us closer - and offers a paradigm shift in which all pleasure, and all forms of joy are at their source a moment of uniting with God. The work is one of developing a greater awareness of this and allowing our contact with the Divine to begin to inform and build our lives around this awareness. Finally, the Rebbe ties this to the essence of receiving Torah and the moment of revelation at Sinai. Sources: Derech Hamelech, Shavuot Leil Aleph (תרפ״ה)