Animation Station With Robbie And Tracy

Episode 94: Cartoon Episodes About Cults (with Jacob Davison)



Hello everybody! Welcome to episode 94 of the Not Joanna Eggs podcast. Robin was out this week due to illness but we have a special guest, Jacob Davison (, joining in for such a niche topic! Join Tracy and Jacob as they discuss the following episodes dealing with animated depictions of cults and their real world parallels/accuracy to real cult manipulation tactics: - The Case of the Cola Cult, Rescue Rangers (Season 2, Ep 14) - Schnit Heads, Rocko's Modern Life (Season 3, Ep 2B) -The Joy of Sect, The Simpsons (Season 9, Ep 13) - Fun with Jane and Jane, King of the Hill (Season 6, Ep 17) Oddly specific? Sure. Surprisingly common in animation? You better believe it! (Not in a threatening way! Skeptics welcome here!) We hope you enjoy this episode and thank you for listening! Please subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you have any requests or questions, find us on Twitter/Instagram or on the show website. Jacob Twitter: @jacobdavison_, Insta: @J