Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

EP 2:4 55% of Why We Struggle with Craig Settles



Craig Settles is a finance and lease manager for Mercedes Benz dealership in California.  Prior to his start in dealerships, he was a college student and all American wrestler at San Francisco State. His coach would always have him participating in gigs during the weekend to maintain a small living while in school. Craig’s majored in business management so at the time he was looking for managerial positions in retail.  He met a man affiliated with his coach who advised him to try the car sales industry. Since then he has been in the field for 33 years and counting. He has worked his way up from showroom salesman, used car manager to managing the finance department. Craig advises people who are interested in finance on the ways to master it. He talks about the psychology behind closing deals and how important it is to gage those non-verbal cues prospects show.  In this episode L.A. Williams, Dealer Synergy’s VP and Blind Phone Master also gets exclusive knowledge from Craig about how to thrive in an automotive