Heroes Garage

The Expanse Season 4, Ep. 5 and 6 Review



The Expanse season 4 ep. 5 “Oppressor” Director Jeff Woolnough Writer: Ty Franck Daniel Abraham Actors: Holden (Steven Strait) Alex (Cas Anvar) Bobbie (Frankie Adams) Naomi (Dominique Tipper) Drummer (Cara Gee) Dr. Elvie Okoye (Lyndie Greenwood) Adolphus Murtry (Burn Gorman) Avasarla (Shohreh Agdashloo) Amos (Wes Chatam) Ep 5 Thanks to Sci Fi Bulletin.com: Naomi and Lucia have made it back to the Rocinante but Lucia is not out of the woods yet. Meanwhile, the camp below is in lockdown and Holden is struggling with two sides that refuse to back down in his attempts to protect both from the protomolecule. Avasarala continues in her campaign, participating in a head to head debate with her political rival. Q: Are the narratives the increase the tension on Ilus earned? Q: Teams fracture as members pursue differing goals. One thing remains constant, The Belters dig in to remain in control of Ilus. Q: Avasarla engages in a Political debate/ as her election bid continues: Does this interest you? Doe is elevate the t