James And Michael On Games

James and Michael on Games 4: The Civ-Cast



Michael Lucas-Smith and I are fans of a number of video games - we both like the Fallout series quite a bit, for instance. Since we end up talking about the games we play so much, we thought it might be fun to do a podcast on the subject. Here's episode 4. In this podcast, we talk about Civ IV and Civ V - we've both played Civ IV quite a bit, and appeared on Polycast to talk about it. Michael carries the chat about Civ V; I don't have it yet, since I'm on the Mac. To listen now, you can either download the mp3 edition, or the Ogg Vorbis edition. You can subscribe to the MP3 edition in iTunes using this feed. You can subscribe directly in iTunes as well. If you have feedback, send it to James Robertson. Technorati Tags: games, civilization, civ 4, civ 5