Straight Talk With Supply Chain Insights

The Collaborative Economy with Jeremiah Owyang



Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_400", {soundFile:""}); What happens when “the crowd” decides on what should be made and they have access to build it themselves? What is this evolving role of the corporation when “the crowd” is beginning to become more and more self-sufficient? Find out in this episode of Straight Talk with Supply Chain Insights as our special guest Jeremiah Owyang, Partner at Altimeter Group shares his insights on the Collaborative Economy. What role does a company play if people can get things without the company? This is the discussion on this episode of Straight Talk with Supply Chain Insights. Lora Cecere, Founder and CEO...