

Hey folks!I am very pleased to announce that the very first episode of the English Podcast is live!This first episode serves as a welcome to the podcast but also contains a revision guide to Simon Armitage's 'Mother Any Distance...', which is one of the key poems from the AQA Anthology for English Literature (i.e. it's a poem that you may be asked to discuss on the Literature exam paper at the end of May). I hope you find it useful - it's a walkthrough of the poem together with a discussion of what it all means, plus there are some questions for you to think about as well.For those of you that are interested, the music is provided by Muse and M83 and the Mr. Men. This week's show is brought to you by the letter 'M'!In the next episode, which should be much longer, there will be a slot where I answer your questions about anything to do with English, so I need your questions. You can either send them by e-mail, add them as a comment to the blog or drop them in to my room. There will also be a discussion of seve