David Allen Wizardgold's Posts

Switching from Android to IOS



after using android devices for just over a year I have been tempted to go back into the Apple fold. I have ordered a new iPhone 6 and I can't wait to get my hands on it. There are loads of new things in iOS eight which have brought me back such as the extensibility feature which allows me to work with the features of one application while still in another application. I can do things in the Paper Camera app from within the photos application which is pretty handy. I like that we can have widgets that we can drag down from the top in the notifications area although I don't think it's quite makes up for what I have been using with the Google Now. I'm looking forward to using my favourite applications that are only available on iOS. These applications would be Drafts, OmniFocus, Clear and Day One. There are a number of other applications that I'm pleased to be using gain over on the iOS platform and the applications in general are better on the Apple side of the fence. This is one of the reasons why it some