Grim Reaper Gamers Reapercast

ReaperCast 76 – Why are we revisiting old games?



Grim Reaper Gamers hosts a Bi-Weekly Podcast where we talk about Community News, Video Games, Beer and whatever else we feel like discussing. This episode we talk about why we're revisiting old games.Lala Rant * Frustrations on building an adult gaming communityGaming News * Paragon to close April 26th* Sea of Thieves Closed Beta* Call of Duty WW2 DLC Pack 1, The Resistance, Is Out Now On PS4* Ubisoft Raising Price of Siege – Rolled back already.* Anthem Delayed* EA confirms Anthem to Q1 2019, and a new Battlefield in its place Fall 2018 (IGN)* Battlefront 2 sells 9 million copies.* Played twice as much during its first quarter than Battlefront 1.* Is Facebook Going After Twitch/Mixer?Topic – Why are we revisiting old games?* Why can’t new games hold our attention long?* Do games having dailies help contribute to gamer ADD?* Have the main genres been flooded with good titles?Community Info* GRG Extra Life* Next show recorded on February 13th* GRG Facebook Page * Follow on twitter