Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Attract Private Money Lenders w/Jay Conner



Raising private money is extremely important for a real estate investing business, so we need to develop the right strategies to attract capital. When is the right time to look for lenders, and how should we approach them? Why should we be aiming to teach people about the benefits of being a private lender? On today’s episode, President of The Private Money Authority, Jay Conner shares how to attract potential lenders and raise private money without asking for it.    Takeaways + Tactics Don’t wait to raise money. We should be finding private lenders 24/7, not waiting until we need to fund a deal.   When we find potential lenders, it’s important that we don’t overwhelm them. Never show the program and deals at the same time - give lenders a chance to digest the  opportunities.    Aim to teach people about the benefits of being a private money lender. People are much more open to doing business when they don’t feel like their arm is being twisted.    Guest Bio-  Jay Conner is a real estate investor and the Pres