Porpoise Crispy (a Satire)

Porpoise Crispy Podcast Volume 8 Number 21 "Amitriptyline"



Porpoise Crispy Podcast Volume #8 Episode #21 Amitriptyline Curated by John January 4, 2020 Man Bites Dog Dolores Mondo Stash The Moonwake Syndrome No More Hot Dogs Hasil Adkins Out to Hunch Plants Guerilla Toss What Would the Odd Do? Plastic Factory Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band Safe as Milk Psyche Soap Electric Flag The Trip Bit Part Actor Stump Does the Fish Have Chips? Barracuda John Cale Fear Living Through Another Cuba XTC Black Sea We’re Living in the 21st Century Edie Sedgwick Love Gets Lovelier Every Day Gun John Cale Fear The pCrispy is only an hour of music so I know you’ve got time to enjoy to these bad asses of the Internets:  The Westerino Show Funkytown Bayerclan Squirreling Podcast Secretly Timid Now go do something positive for the earth, for the community, and for your neighbor.