David Allen Wizardgold's Posts

Mac20Q Podcast Interview with Mac User Michael King from Texas



I last got talking to Michael about five years ago and since then he's added a trashcan Mac Pro and also the latest iMac with a 5K display to his Apple stable. He tells me about how his house and he burned down alongside telling me what he does with his Mac and his iOS devices. You could say that we had a really good chat and that we got on like a house on fire! The good thing is that it wasn't his house. He does also use a Microsoft surface tablet, but we won't hold that against him. It seems that most of his business end of things could be done with whatever sort of technology even though his offices dominantly Mac-based. Some software that is required for the business is either Windows or Android. For his personal computing needs he uses Mac and IOS and is still using Aperture for his photography as he was when I first spoke to him. Like many people that are used to using professional applications for photography and in particular using Aperture is considering moving completely to Adobe Lightroom due to